Entry & Travel - July


29 July 2022

Notice of Amended travel Advisory as at 29 July 2022

The Cook Islands current Section 9A Notice for refusal of Entry under the Entry, Residence and Departure Act 1971-72, signed into effect from 12 May 2020 and still active is as follows:

All persons are denied entry into the Cook Islands unless there is an exemption provided (in writing) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI).

Effective from 12.01am 1 August 2022 (CKT) persons are exempted for entry into the Cook Islands, provided they meet the entry criteria specified in this notice, including the Schedule.

  1. Entry requirements to enter Cook Islands by Aircraft and by Sea vessel
    1. A person may enter the Cook Islands by aircraft and by sea vessel only if the person is vaccinated and provides evidence of vaccination
  2. Persons not required to comply with vaccination requirements

    The following persons are not required to comply with vaccination requirements to enter the Cook Islands:

    1. a Cook Islander or permanent resident:
    2. a person under the age of 16 years:
    3. a person who holds—
      1. a medical exemption granted by the Secretary under regulation 19; or
      2. a COVID-19 vaccination exemption granted by the New Zealand Director-General of Health.

Details of the entry requirements relating to COVID-19 are set out in the Schedule attached to this notice. Sea vessels must enquire with Customs regarding any further restrictions to the maritime border.

All travellers must meet all other Cook Islands Immigration Entry requirements

All queries regarding this travel advisory can be directed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (Te Kauono Tutara e te Mana Tiaki on email: [email protected].

Meitaki maata

Kairangi J. Samuela

Principal Immigration Officer

Review Official Advisory